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Video: Did you know? Paradigm shifting statisticsDave » 17 years 51 weeks ago
Here’s great video that presents a ton of statistics about the remarkable changes taking place in our world, namely from an information and globalization standpoint. I believe we’re in the midst of a paradigm shift, and this video presents some great information. I say great because all the statistics are apparently backed up with their sources. Good amalgamation of relevant fact. Drupal and the Power of CommunityDave » 18 years 3 weeks ago
IBM and Social Software for BusinessDave » 18 years 4 weeks ago
This announcement by a technology giant gives further credibility to those of us innovating in the team collaboration space. The market is forming, awareness is spreading, and it’s only a matter of time before team collaboration tools like these become commonplace. It underscores that these tools will be leveraged even across conventional enterprises (not just for loosely formed distributed teams) and affirms my belief that these tools will in fact be the catalyst for evolutionary change in the very structure and model of these organizations. Freelancers UnionDave » 18 years 6 weeks ago
I first discovered Freelancers Union via their advertising campaign on the New York City subway system. “Member profiles, post gigs, find jobs”, the wall ads announced. “It’s like one, giant octopus”, one of the ads proclaimed, and I took to the message. I immediately recognized it as something in the same vein as what I’m doing here. Woven is all about supporting the geographically distributed workforce, while Freelancers Union seemed to be addressing the “independent” workforce locally in New York. Person of the Year: You.Dave » 18 years 11 weeks ago
![]() Every year since 1927, Time Magazine has dedicated an issue to profiling the man, woman, couple, group, idea, place, or machine that “for better or worse, has most influenced events in the preceding year.” Buy Cialisyinged ???????????? ????? ?????? %-DDD ???????????? ????? ????? ?????? 974 ???????????? ????? ?????-????? 737 ?????? gyqm ???????????? ????? ?????-????? 700 ??? ?????????? 8-DD ????????? “?????” %-]] Cialisousyou Luvipol LP-100 3957 ???????????? ????? ???? 609 ???????????? ????? ?????-????? 737 ?????? 8044 ???????????? ????? ?????-????? 700 ??? ?????????? 8-) ???????????? ????? Luvipol 595 (??? ??????) vrirev Web Worker Daily and the virtual workerDave » 18 years 25 weeks ago
Web Worker Daily is a new blog which I came across recently via the excellent TechCrunch site. With its tagline “Rebooting the Workforce”, it’s dedicated to those operating outside of the conventional workplace paradigm. The virtual worker — often referred to by the site’s authors as “bedouins” after the desert-dwelling nomadic tribes — is one whose primary tool is a laptop, who works wherever there’s a WiFi connection and a coffee, out of bistros and bars, even on the beach. Virtual workers freelance, have flexible schedules, and can show up to work in pajamas. The site aims to explore this phenomenon and provide a forum for these workers to come together and share. Reflections on laborDave » 18 years 26 weeks ago
Yesterday marked Labor Day in the United States. It’s a day many people regard as a last chance for leisure before being plunged back into the regular work cycle and the colder, shorter, darker days ahead. The day itself was founded as a celebration of the American worker, and, ironically, we celebrate by not working. We light up the backyard BBQ and kick back with some steaks and beer instead. It all seems very appropriate to me. After all, many of us see our work as the daily grind — a monotonous, but necessary, cycle of struggle to bring home the cash to support you and yours. It’s no wonder Monday is traditionally dreaded and Friday is looked forward to. Makes sense that Labor Day is always the first Monday of September then, doesn’t it? It’s good to stop, relax, and put labor into context. Bernanke on global economic integrationDave » 18 years 26 weeks ago
Ben Bernanke is Chairman of the Federal Reserve, the quasi-governmental central banking system here in the United States, which has tremendous influence over the monetary and credit conditions in the economy. In a recent speech, he talked about global economic integration. As Bernanke spelled out, when economists measure the earth in “distance”, they’re referring not just to the physical distance, but to other factors as well. Things like the cost of shipping goods, the time it takes for a message to travel, and the cost of sending and receiving that message are all important. They also factor in what they call the “width of the border”, which are the costs associated with tariffs and other rules imposed at a border, as well as costs that arise from differences in language, culture, legal traditions, and political systems. |