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Did you know? It's a new world

Dave » 16 years 14 weeks ago

I just saw the most recent update to a popular video many of you may have already seen. It presents great facts that chronicle these times of exponential, paradigm shifting change. Video after the break.

Facts like these:

  • Today’s learner will have 10-14 jobs by the time they’re 38.
  • The 25% of India’s population with the highest IQ’s is greater that the total US population.
  • The amount of new technical information is doubling every 2 years.

  • Time to Step Back: Taking Stock of What's Right With the U.S.

    Dave » 15 years 42 weeks ago

    [W]e thought it would be a good time to step back from the drama of Wall Street and Washington and unemotionally reassess the prospects of the U.S. economy [with] … an inventory of what’s right with the United States.


    • The United States is the largest and most productive economy in the world
    • The United States is the world’s leading manufacturer of goods
    • The United States is the largest exporter of goods and services in the world

    The inconveniences of too much liberty

    Dave » 16 years 49 weeks ago

    I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.

    Thomas Jefferson

    Cultivating a Global Mindset

    Dave » 16 years 49 weeks ago

    Every employee should participate in the increasing globalization of a company. Cultivating a global mindset in a company’s employees always adds to the value of a company[.]

    In today’s technology-networked environment, nothing — other than the lack of a global mindset — prevents even assembly-line workers from developing their own global learning communities. In the absence of a global mindset, creating a global learning organization will almost certainly be a much tougher challenge.

    DrupalCon: Drupal as the ultimate team collaboration platform

    Dave » 17 years 2 weeks ago

    It’s Sunday night and I’m on board the WiFi-equipped bus from Manhattan to Boston for DrupalCon Boston 2008. My Digital202 colleague Ben Horst is already there and the both of us are looking forward to a few solid days of learning, connecting with others in the community (many of whom we’ve worked with but never met) and diving into subjects like online communities, collaboration and the future of Drupal.

    I wanted to share what we hope to bring to and gain from DrupalCon, and I think that this post will serve to help us make the right connections and participate in the right discussions. We had originally thought to lead a discussion on Drupal as the ultimate team collaboration platform, but have since decided to pull back from that. I felt we’d be more effective joining existing formal and “birds of a feather” sessions that are relevant, and connecting with other individuals and groups to share ideas and form relationships. Read on to learn about what motivates us and what you might hear us talking about at DrupalCon.